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Idaho Recovery Coach Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct


Edition 2021


The purpose of the Recovery Coach Code of Ethics is to outline the basic values and principles of Recovery Coaching practice. The Code shall serve as a guide for Recovery Coaches in Idaho by defining professional responsibility and ethical standards for the profession. The primary responsibility of Recovery Coaches is to help individuals achieve their own needs, wants, and goals. Recovery Coaches will maintain high standards of personal conduct, and will conduct themselves in a manner that fosters their own recovery. Recovery Coaches will be guided by the principle of self-determination for all, and shall serve as advocates for the people they serve. Recovery Coaches will perform services only within the boundaries of their expertise. Recovery Coaches shall be aware of the limits of their training and capabilities, and shall collaborate with other professionals to best meet the needs of the person(s) served. Recovery Coaches will, at all times, preserve an objective and non-clinical professional relationship.

1. Recovery Coaches believe that every individual has strengths and the ability to learn and grow.

2. Recovery Coaches will advocate for the full integration of individuals into communities of their choice.

3. Recovery Coaches will respect the rights and dignity of those they serve.

4. Recovery Coaches will respect the privacy and confidentiality of those they serve.

5. Recovery Coaches will not abuse, intimidate, threaten, harass, make unwarranted promises of benefits, or use undue influence or physical force with anyone at any time.

6. Recovery Coaches will not practice, condone, facilitate, or collaborate in any form of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, marital status, political belief, or mental or physical disability.

7. Recovery Coaches will not engage in sexual activities with persons served, or members of the immediate family of person(s) served.

8. Recovery Coaches will not give or accept gifts of significant value from those they serve.

9. Recovery Coaches will not enter into dual relationships or commitments that conflict with the interest of those served.

10. Recovery Coaches will seek to role-model recovery.

11. Recovery Coaches will openly share their personal recovery stories with colleagues and those they serve.

12. Recovery Coaches will not abuse substances under any circumstances.

13. Recovery Coaches will not use derogatory language in their written and verbal communication to or about persons served. Recovery Coaches will ensure that all information and documentation provided is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.

14. Recovery Coaches will keep current with emerging knowledge relevant to recovery, and openly share this knowledge with their colleagues and those they serve.

15. Recovery Coaches will not provide services or represent themselves as expert in areas for which they do not have sufficient knowledge or expertise.

16. Recovery Coaches shall disclose any existing or pre-existing professional, social, or business relationships with person(s) served. Recovery Coaches shall determine, in consultation with their supervisor, whether existing or pre-existing relationships interfere with the ability to provide recovery coaching services to that person. Recovery Coaches are responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries with all persons served.

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