Ethics Preamble
The Idaho Board of Alcohol/Drug Counselor Certification (referred to herein as "the Board" or "IBADCC") provides certification for substance abuse counselors and prevention specialists in the State of Idaho.
The purpose of the IBADCC’s voluntary certification process is to assure consumers, the public, and employers, that individuals certified by IBADCC are capable and competent, have been through a certain organized set of experiences, and have been judged to be qualified.
IBADCC is dedicated to the principle that professionals in the field of alcohol and drug treatment must conform their behavior to the highest standards of ethical practice. To that end, the IBADCC has adopted this Certified Professional Code of Ethics (referred to herein as “the Code” or “the Code of Ethics”), to be applied to all professionals, certified, or seeking certification.
The Board is committed to investigate and sanction those certified professionals or those seeking certification who breach this Code. Certified professionals or those seeking certification are therefore encouraged to thoroughly familiarize himself/herself with the Code and to guide their behavior according to the Rules set forth within this Code.
The Board has determined that all substantiated ethics violations will be posted on the IBADCC website for public disclosure. The public disclosure of the final outcome of ethics cases on the website is appropriate and legal. The ethics posting will be final findings, after appeals have been exhausted, these outcomes will remain posted for an eighteen month cycle of recertification.
Code of Ethics
Ethics Disciplinary Procedures
Report Ethics Violation
IBADCC considers a breach of the Code of Ethics a serious matter and asks that any violations be reported to us.
We handle all allegations in confidence and with discrete thorough manner.